Healing Services



Please use services no matter your financial situation

Typical Class Pricing: $40.00 - $60.00


FROM THE EMBODIED PHILOSOPHY WEBSITE: “Only gaining recognition within the last few decades, somatics is helping to resolve the fragmentation among different forms of knowledge – between theory and practice, education and environment, aesthetics and healing, art creation and performance, experience and reflection, and so on. This allows for a dynamic interconnectedness between the personal and collective strata of our shared embodiment.

The philosophy and practices of somatics are some of today’s most popular healing methodologies in trauma treatment, chronic illness, pain management, and addiction recovery. These practices have spanned generations of practitioners and lineages, whose multidisciplinary influences include not only contemplative psychologies and philosophies, but psychoanalysis, dance, bodywork, gymnastics, massage and many more.

The philosophical notion of “soma” integrates two dimensions of mind and body as the animate or “ensouled” body. One of the principal axioms of somatics is that human subjectivity and experience—psyche—is embodied. Indeed, human experience is mediated through the body, and the human self is constituted by bodily experience, or—in other words—the sense of self is emergent out of a—however indirectly, dimly, or clearly perceived—body-based consciousness. It is this irreducible notion of our embodiment that is central to the healing systems of somatic therapies that have spanned multiple generations of practitioners.”

During somatic coaching the following will be offered to support each individual

(All practices are trauma-informed)


I offer a variety of yoga sessions and practices. All of my teaching is trauma- informed and inclusive. After the session, I will create an individualized sequence for students to use on their own. I can combine methods and modify to serve any client need:

Vinyasa: A physical practice focused on breath, flow, and movement. This practice links breath to movement and strengthens the body and mind through physical exertion and concentration.

Restorative/ Yin: These practices focus on intentional disengagement. These have longer holds and focus on sensation rather than alignment. Props are incorporated to support students.


Defined as “Yogic Sleep,” Yoga Nidra is restorative and healing and is practiced in comfort and stillness. Students are guided through a meditation which allows them to move through their energetic and subtle layers (koshas) in order to reach complete relaxation. After the session, I will offer a recorded Yoga Nidra meditation for the client to use at home. This practice has been known to help with sleep, anxiety, depression, and stress.


Reiki is a healing practice based on energy and intentional, calming touch. In my Reiki sessions, I focus on chakra balancing to create a relaxing and restorative experience for the client.


I incorporate reflection into all aspects of my sessions. This can be done through writing, tarot or other intuitive readings, and conversation. I find that this reflection helps guide the session and gives direction for all involved. I also offer writing and other reflective techniques for the client to continue after the session including journal prompts, poetry and poetry prompts, rituals, and other introspective exercises.