Ashley Howell Bunn

Yoga instructor, writer, healing PRACTITIONER

My healing journey started when I took my first yoga class over a decade ago. After that point, I knew that I needed to use my physical body to begin to heal my emotional and mental bodies as well. I started this business to incorporate the healing practices I have found in my own life into my work with others. I am certified in vinyasa, restorative, Yin, and Yoga of Recovery (E-RYT 200, RYT- 500 Hour certifications), Reiki (Level I and II), and Yoga Nidra. I am a certified Practitioner of Somatics through Embodied Philosophy.


Ashley Howell Bunn completed her MFA in poetry through Regis University and holds a MA in Literature from Northwestern University. She is on the editorial staff for the literary journal, Inverted Syntax. Her work has previously appeared in The Colorado Sun, South Broadway Ghost Society, Global Poemic, Twenty Bellows, patchwork litmag, Mulberry Literary and others. Her first chapbook, in coming light, was published in 2022 by Middle Creek Publishing. She lives in Denver, CO with her children and partner where she practices yoga and runs in the sunshine.